Freedom is something all Americans are familiar with, possibly we know it all too well, and I assume we take it for granted. It seems that many people feel we have a lack of freedom in this country. While that may be true for some, possibly many, it pales in comparison to the rest of the world. For all intents and purposes, practically all Americans are making their demands for justice from ivory towers. At least that’s what it looks like to the rest of the world. You might disagree, and you have every right to, which is a freedom that you probably forget about.

“No one is perfect” is something Americans are familiar with and most everyone believes that. But this is part of what makes America great, is that we are allowed to fight for perfection, or what we perceive as perfection. Without further adieu, my perfection is drinking a beer and sitting back at home, and relaxing with my family. A freedom that I can’t get enough of.