You take the 101 North to the 170 North to the 5 North and then keep going. If you get off at McBean Pkwy you'll hit my college, Cal Arts. Sometimes I do the drive just to remember. But this time just keep going. Keep going and you'll hit Magic Mountain. Keep going and you'll go through the grapevine. It'll feel dead for miles. It's gold not green because of the drought. Well I wish it was gold. It's brown. It's dry and it's windy and we keep talking about how dry it is and how badly we need rain.

The town of Williams, CA has a store that belongs in LA. It has a store that sells artisanal goods and delicious coffee with almond milk. We all wish we could stay longer. Keep going and you enter Oregon. Oregon is green. Oregon is alive. We have a deadline in Oregon. We need to make it to a show. We wish we could go slower. The weekend is full of deadlines.
A show, a baseball game, we need to get home. Rushing is better than not going at all. Our team won the series but lost the game. The show was great and people danced and we slept all day in the city and then we turned around and drove home. Just keep going and get home.