Pure Green Team:
coconut water, cucumber, spinach, kale, romaine and parsley
There is a scene early on in “The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness,” a fly on the wall documentary of Japan’s famed Studio Ghibli, where legendary animator Hayao Miyazaki takes a break from his long work day to watch the sun set from the roof of his studio. Looking out at the city around him in the fading light, he reflects:
I have my daily ritual. Every day I use a massage brush, exercise, take a shower, go pick up trash, go get coffee, then I come home and eat. That takes three hours a day, maybe more. But that’s my life’s foundation. Within that range, I read the world. Like noticing how the town has started to change, or wondering what’s going on with this person. Or noticing changes in prices. It’s only what I see.
For many of us there is the block of time that we call the work day, unfulfilled, taken from us, gone. What many of us conceive of as our true lives comes before and after, sometimes inbetween. For that other self we all have our rituals; creatures of habit, the comforts of routine, the quiet contentment of repetition. There is the warm coffee in stop-and-go traffic, the continuation of yesterday’s podcast, scenes from the train’s window seat.

Green Milk:
water, almond, cashew, hazelnut, spinach, romaine, kale, parsley, date, vanilla bean
Los Angeles is in the late period of its endless summer, confused days of el niño promises and drought realities; both grey and clear, hot and cool, loud and quiet. We make our way from Juice Served Here’s downtown headquarters to their newest retail location in Silver Lake’s Sunset Junction, photographer as pilot, navigating the people’s car Prius through Waze-directed surface streets. Friday afternoon, all the people not working, on the surface at least – maybe they’re screenwriters, maybe they’re students, maybe they’re trust fund kids. The creative economy at work, looking like they’re at play.

Block Rockin’ Beets:
beet, carrot, tomato, lemon, cilantro, jalapeno
9 years ago Alex Matthews went on a weeklong holiday from the UK to LA. Like me, like the photographer, like so many of us, he never left. Together with Greg Alterman, the founder of Alternative Apparel, they created Juice Served Here, here in Los Angeles, “the epicenter of the juice world.” For all of us here, LA is the epicenter at the edge, the seismic source of entertainment, of visions of paradise, of cliche and reinvention.

Raw Soup:
carrot, tomato, olive oil, lemon, lime, pepper, basil, oregano, thyme, himalayan salt, goji berry
Matthews is a busy man – now up to 10 retail locations around the city, with new flavors, new collaborations, as a new father. He manages the company’s growth with “less sleep and less hours in the day.” His work bleeds into his life, and life into work, informing and influencing. In his daily rituals, his before and after and inbetween, he draws from the city around him, the diaspora of populations, foods, and cultures, the miracle that is Los Angeles. Juice Served Here makes the most of the bounty of California and its year round growing season, and the more benign aspects of globalization: Thai coconuts, Mexican vanilla bean, Himalayan salt.
the diaspora, the miracle that is Los Angeles.

- Join us Friday, August 28 for the GLCO x JSH launch event in Venice. - Find JHS locations near you.