It’s November and summer has come and gone. Only in Los Angeles can you wait until November to announce that fall has arrived. And in about two weeks we’ll be able to say that fall has come and gone as well. But actually I would argue that fall lasts four months in Los Angeles. There’s definitely no winter. Well, technically Mount High is a few miles within the border of Los Angeles County, and it’s got snow...sometimes. Sometimes it’s manmade snow.

One thing I love about this city is that tourism is most popular during our summer. You know how New Yorkers head to Miami in the winter to avoid the freezing cold? Or Pacific Northwesterners avoid their rainy winters with trips to Hawaii? One of the beauties of Los Angeles is that we don’t have that kind of snowbird traffic. Los Angeles isn’t a common place for rich people’s second homes. It’s pricey enough for one. I mean, maybe some rich whiteys live in Palm Springs and come to L.A. in the summer, but only if they’re under the age of 65. And how many non-senior citizens live in Palm Springs?

The most popular time of year to visit Los Angeles is also the absolute worst time of year to live here. Which obviously is no coincidence. Look at Venice Beach in these photos – littered with trash and people and trashy people. This is my home, people!

I guess all I’m trying to say is that seasons in L.A. are less defined by changes in the weather and more by the number and type of people that you see around you at any given time of year. So in a city where the last thing we need is more people, it’s no surprise that my favorite time of year is fall. So see you next summer.